
Showing posts from September, 2015

Feeling Autumnal

Sun beginning to set through the trees  I hope you've all had a fabulous week, it's seemed a lot calmer and quieter than the previous one, thank the Goddess!  The sun was low in the sky when I went into Pilates last week and it was dark when I came out.  With nights beginning to draw in progressively earlier and some colder nights, the dressing gown is making a timely appearance and I'm starting to feel very autumnal, I could quite easily consider an early hibernation! So much so that the following day, I had cushion envy at a local superstore and went back later with my husband to buy these  jumbo cord burnt orange and chocolate cushions to warm up the lounge, Eddie trying out the  New Cushions Little Eddie seems to like them....  I redecorated my kitchen altar for Mabon with fruits and seeds gleaned from walks through the fields, surrounding areas and from our allotment, probably looking suspiciously like a scrumper or a mad woman grabbing conkers, acorns an

Mixed Emotions

All Ready for the Birthday Girl What an utterly  fabulous weekend! Apologies for the late posting, it has been non stop and we have been recovering from a wonderful long weekend of celebrating birthdays and lives of family and friends. We kicked off on Saturday with our beautiful daughter Sophie's 18th Birthday, how wonderfully perfect for a pre Mabon celebration - to celebrate a coming of age, a harvest of 18 years of love and nurture as our precious girl became a woman, a celebration of fertility and fruitfulness, mine not hers obviously!  Birthday Bouquet We had a garden party at my parents which had a Hollywood theme for her, complete with a photo booth that we had put together - perfect for a drama student! All week I had fervently asked Ker for beautiful weather, and plenty of energy and inspiration to make Sophie's birthday party a magical one..... and She didn't let me down! The weather was wonderful, everything went to plan Much Prettier Than a Jar.. a

Seeds for the Future

 Berries In Our Front Garden This week has been one of those ones where I've wanted to bury myself in my bed, hide under the duvet and ignore the world! The trouble with that is that it doesn't tend to solve anything, so soldiering on was on the cards instead.  I am sooo not Wonder Woman this week!  As the last fruits of the harvest are being given up by the earth, the surrounding fields are beginning to look stark as they fall silent and still. The bean field has already been ploughed over and left to settle for the approaching autumn, the long lines of gentle ridges Freshly Ploughed Bean Field make it look like a thick and chunky brown duvet snuggling the land down, or perhaps that's just me and my wishful thinking!   As we approach the Autumn Equinox on 23rd, (Equinox being Latin for equal nights) and prepare to celebrate Mabon the L ate Harvest Festival on or around the 20th, the only remaining fruits seem to be the seeds and berries that are preparing to vent

Time to celebrate....

Courtesy of September if definitely shaping up to be my busiest month of the year so far, and I still haven't  spontaneously woken up as Wonder Woman, although  I live in hope and I'm sure Mark does too! I did once have a birthday present wrapped up in wonder woman paper so that's probably as close as I'm going to get! So that just means I'll have to get on with being me for the time being....  All jokes aside, having so much to do has made me realise how much we push ourselves to meet all the demands that we are faced with at home and work or with family and friends as much as we love them.  This week I have made a concious effort to stop and reward myself with time for myself or doing something for me, even if it's just for 20 minutes or so, and it seems that Goddess is with me on that one too.  All morning I have been slaving away on an assignment for the diploma from hell after getting up early to take the kids to work (the countr

Fruitful Musings

Sun through the Trees Apologies for the late post dear friends, it's been one of those weeks where there just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week - well either that or I have overloaded myself.... (Wouldn't be the first time!) Work and life have been extremely busy as well as putting a lot of time and energy into planning my beautiful daughter's 18th birthday party. I will happily share some of it with you after the event in a few weeks times, but I can't yet in case I spoil some of the surprises for her, as despite her protestations of having a 'major hippy' as a Mum, she is fiercely proud and supportive of me and randomly reads my blog! Bless her heart. Looking slightly more  interesting? The appetising marrow mash mixture from last week has 'blossomed' into this luscious yellow  liquid that is busily frothing in my kitchen, bubbling and popping away in it's demijohns. I had a couple more unexpected harvests this week, a