Wednesday 21 August 2024

The Comeback Queen

Funny how a simple decision sparks a chain reaction isn't it? 
So here's the thing, I was sat at my desk last week doing loads of work stuff  (yawn) and from the depths of somewhere deep in my belly, I knew I needed to go for a walk, so off I trotted and there I was, wandering through one of my favourite places, phone in hand snapping pictures, when suddenly, I was doing a live video on my WWMG page. After keeping a very low profile for sometime for no reason other than feeling I had  nothing wild or interesting to say, there I was, my Moon in Leo fully engaged, showing off my special place to all and sundry. Now I do realise that sounds wayyy more Only Fans than it was (no nudity I promise), but it was all a bit of a shock to me! 

Something was obviously a stirring somewhere, because it happened again walking to work on Monday, I decided to film a little video to share - and look at me - I'm loving it! (Even if does look like I'm just wearing a denim jacket, I can assure you there is an olive green outfit underneath!)
Walking through those fields was exactly what I needed. Like suddenly seeing an old friend that you haven't seen in years, my heart leapt, as in a few short minutes, to my delight, I found myself surrounded by signs of the turning of the wheel, and knew I was full of enthusiasm for rabbiting on about it again. Even kicking my shoes off to walk barefoot in the warm, dry, baked earth, listening to the wheat singing to me and almost in tears at the joy of it all. Luckily no one was there to witness this insanity, so it really was a good job I filmed it!

I'd got stuck in the same sh*t, different day of it all and forgotten the magic. 
The magic of ripening, shiny purple damsons and sweet and juicy blackberries, jostling for pole position amongst the fresh spiky green holly leaves and the tingly nettles. I'd forgotten the wonder of this time of year, as Goddess yields her precious  treasures  up to us, my favourite time of the year - seasons beginning to overlap and blend magically and seamlessly into each other. 

Wheat rippling and swaying, like a golden sea, with a track of clay-coloured warm earth right through the middle, it was just made for a Goddess loving 50 something like myself to run through and realise that the pathway was never lost or unloved, just hidden from sight. 

To quote Maya Angelou, "This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before." or if you're more Elton John - The Bitch is Back.

                                    Have a Blessed Week x x 

Rowan Rambles

Some of you may have seen my little video last week, well it carried on as a bit of a theme,  as these things tend to do  so this blog is br...