
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Land Awakes

Sun Shines Through Winter Skeletons So, here we are again, approaching Imbolc - the wheel turns and we welcome the returning light, the land warms, days grow longer and life begins to fight through the dark earth. I noticed the days were tangibly longer a few weeks ago, the rays of the sun regaining their power, shining with more confidence as I took this photo around the lake at Scotney Castle. Seemingly against all the odds, grass, leaves and buds of bright, lush emerald return to the land contrasting against the bitter deep greens of the winter foliage. Dead brown leaves and stalks slowly being over taken by fresh New Life and Decay - Side By Side new growth, as Bridie the Maiden takes her rightful place beside her Grandmother the Wise Woman and Crone and then walks us into her youthful light and energy.  My drive to work is noticeably lighter, the cold night's harsh frosts are defeated by the earlier sun and it's growing warmth. The snow seems to be a fading me

Coddiwompling through the Countryside....

A Footpath Suitable For A Coddiwomple.. Mid Winter Greetings to you all!  What a beautiful week - full of sparkly frosty mornings and magnificent and moody sunrises. This week I have been mainly coddiwompling - no one panic, it's neither illegal or deviant... Coddiwomple, what an utterly delicious and curious word!  I discovered it last week and have been joyfully rolling the word round my tongue every since, dropping it casually into conversation and generally bemusing people left, right and centre! What a satisfying and quaint word   -  it's Old English slang,  i t means quite simply to travel in a purposeful manner or fashion towards a vague or unknown destination.  Perfect to describe my frequent rambles of both body and mind - I know I'm setting out to walk the land, to hear, see and feel Goddess and beauty all around me, to explore and learn more about me, my Goddess and my world - destination wherever I end up! The Sun Yawns Over The Frozen Land I sh

A Wintery Wassail

Lady Moon Admiring the Snow Wonderful and Wintery Wassail Wishes to you All !! So, just a small clue - you'll never guess what I've been up to this week then?! Apart from running around like a big kid in the snow taking pictures of course!   I love the snow, luckily it only made a brief appearance and didn't cause too much chaos here! I managed to catch a shy full Lady Moon in the distance over the snowy fields next to our home early in the morning before work.  It really reinforced the presence of the Crone for me, our ancient and wise mother breathing the cold winter air of death, change and rebirth through us all. Last year  was a very tough year for some of my friends, losing precious family members and friends, some way before A Rare Visitor their time and not for the first time, I've found myself catching my breath and feeling humble and thankful for my loved ones around me.  We've had a few new visitors due to the snow - this beautiful wagt

Mid Winter Musings

Now don't get too excited.... not a full blown blog! I just thought I'd share a poem I was inspired to write with you all.   I hope you enjoy it!                                      Mid-Winter A wide bleak silver sky is lit by the half-hearted rays of a distant sun. Footfall is muted, stifled - deadened by the hard, frozen land, Covered by frost it glistens and sparkles as though dusted in diamonds. The land is still, silent and scarcely inhabited as she sleeps. The majestic yews and evergreens contrast against the grey skyline, Wearing their uniform of darkest green, tall and proud They stand sentinel like, guarding the sleeping realm, Listening for watchful Blackbird’s call of alarm. Stark bare and bitter barked trees, devoid of their green finery Are festooned with bunting of shiny holly and ivy, Beaded by berries of ruby, jet and opal  And patchworked with Lichen in hues reminiscent of summer

The Hermitess Emerges......

Back To Work Sunset Happy New Year!  Just when you thought it would be safe to assume I'd wandered off on yet another solitary ramble, fallen down a soft mossy rabbit hole or stumbled unwittingly into the velvety blackness of the underworld and lost for good.......well here I am again!  Thank you for waiting for me! So what have I been doing? Woodland Festooned For Yule Well just hermitting really - whiling away the months reading, walking, rambling, swimming, researching, doodling, scribbling, planning, dreaming and generally being the hermit that I always tease my lovely friend Lu of May Day dancing fame about. She'll love that - Oh the irony! This year I really felt the Crone energy drawing me into the delicious and unavoidable peaceful rest and slumber of the land, obviously exactly what I needed. I took comfort in the still darkness, watching the land drift into hibernation beneath the hard ground, watching the dark endless skies, marvelling as my breath float